Tuesday, November 2, 2010

8 Months

Landon is 8 months old today. I can't believe how fast he's learning and picking up on things lately. He makes a new discovery every day and it's just so amazing to watch. This age is SO much fun. Tiring, but fun. And I'm starting to get to that "who is this little boy and where did my baby go" feeling. He's going to be a toddler before I know it, so I'm going to soak up every moment of his babyhood that I can over these next months.

Things Landon is up to this month:

Crawling like a mad man and getting into EVERYTHING. No more army crawling. He's up on all fours now!


Talking! He says "mama" and "dada" regularly now, and says them directly to us, so I think we can officially say he's talking! He's also babbling like crazy, blowing raspberries, and experimenting with different pitches and sounds of his voice.

Pulling up. He's just really figured out how to pull up over the past couple of weeks, but he pulls up on everything. And tries to get on top of it or over it. I've always called him "monkey" and apparently his nickname suits him.


Being a big ham. This kid did not get his personality from his shy mama, that's for sure! Point a camera at him, and he's all smiles. And he loves getting strangers' attention in public and flashing them a big grin. He cracks me up.



Teething. He's got 6 teeth already- SIX! And judging by the amount of drool and night time screaming that's been going on, he's working on at least one more.


He's also become a little bit of a mama's boy. Separation anxiety is starting, but really only if he's tired. When it's bedtime, all he wants is his mama, and I can't say I'm really complaining. But it's not as fun when it happens at 3am. Sigh. He has started sleeping through the night every once in a while. Not regularly, but usually a couple of times a week, and I'm thankful for that. However, I still want to smack the people who brag about their babies sleeping through the night from 6 weeks on. Really, though, I have a cute, smiley, happy, healthy, bright, thriving baby. Other than the sleep thing, there's really absolutely nothing I can complain about. So I'll take the lack of sleep in exchange for how amazing he is. I can't wait to see what's ahead in month 9!

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