Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I believe...

A really awesome blogger, Mrs. Trophy Wife, from Exploits of a Military Mama , started a weekly post called "I believe." I've linked up with her blog to add my own. I believe... following your heart.

...that fall is, by far, the greatest time of year.
...that something as simple as a smile can go a long way. the Golden Rule.

...that your spouse should also be your best friend.

...that everything tastes better when someone else makes it. being open and honest.

...that exercise is as important for the mind as it is for the body.

...that baby laughs are the best sounds in the world. showing off my cute kid as much as possible:

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

7 months

Landon is 7 months old. Well, he's actually now 7 months and 3 days old, but actually finding the time to blog has been difficult. I can't believe how fast time is going. At this time last year, the wait from one Thursday to the next to check my weekly pregnancy updates seemed to last an eternity. Now, a week is just a blur. But I guess that's going to be life now.

Here are some of the things my busy 7 month old is up to:

  • Army crawling EVERYWHERE. In the past week, he has found that he can get into all sorts of trouble (dog bones, shoes, the kitty) by crawling. Let the baby-proofing begin! He gets up on all fours and rocks, but once he has a destination in sight, it's down to the belly and elbows he goes. It seems to be working ok for him.
  • Saying "mamamamamama". I don't know if he has any idea that I'm Mamamama, but it melts my heart to hear it anyway. He also says babababa, blows raspberries, growls (I have no other way to describe it), and has just started saying "dadadada" every once in a while.
  • Throwing temper tantrums. He's happy 90% of the time, but that doesn't mean that he hasn't discovered the fun in temper tantrums (I'm thanking his daycare buddies for this one). If he's cranky and he wants something and isn't getting it fast enough to his liking (usually either food or my attention), he yells and lets out the funniest fake cry while saying "bababababa" and making this weird old man face. I really need to catch this one on camera.
  • Jumping like a crazy man in his jumparoo and walking backwards in his new walker.
  • Teething. He's had the bottom two teeth for a couple of months, but on Sunday two new ones made their appearance: the top upper left front tooth, and the top upper right second tooth.
  • Keeping up with his vow to never sleep through the night. Things have gotten better. He usually only wakes up a couple of times, and only eats once, but I can count on one hand the number of times he's slept from bed time until 5:30am or later.
  • Eating. He's had peas, green beans, squash, sweet potatoes, zucchini, apples, pears, bananas, avocado, peaches, and plums. He likes everything but the green beans and avocado. He's officially a better eater than I am, so I can't complain. He's still not too keen on anything that hasn't been pureed, but he's got plenty of time to eat "real food."
Here's a picture of my handsome boy!