Monday, September 27, 2010

Entering a brave new world

Well I've finally decided to join the 21st century and do what I've been meaning to do for the past seven months: start a blog. I have to admit, I find this whole blogging thing intimidating and a bit scary. There are html codes, putting yourself out there on the Internet, and adding yet another thing into your busy life to keep up with--all pretty frightening in my book. But I want a way to document my life as a mommy, and to preserve memories of Landon's early months and years (and hopefully there will be more babies and memories to come). I would love to think that I'll turn into one of those amazing writers who always seem to have something interesting to say in the most eloquent, witty way, but, for now, this is just a place to write about my experiences as a new mommy and my handsome little "angel bear."

So far, I'm really liking this whole mommy thing. At first, I was so afraid I was going to drop him, or forget to feed him, or do some other awful thing to ruin my perfect little miracle. But now, almost seven months in, I think I'm starting to get the hang of things ( feel free to remind me of this statement once we hit the "terrible twos" or the even more "terrible teenage years").

In all seriousness though, I really feel like this was what I was meant to do in this life. Nothing has ever brought me such happiness or such fulfillment. And Justin was made to be a daddy. I know every wife (well almost every wife anyway) says this of her husband, but I really, truly mean it. I always knew he would make a fantastic father, but he amazes me every day with how easily and naturally being a daddy comes to him. I'm sure we'll face our share of struggles and difficulties, but we'll just take them as they come and we'll learn as we go. I just hope that we're able to give back to Landon even half of what he's already given to us.

Here are some pictures of my little goofball from the Florida-Tennessee game. Such a ham!

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